New paper on Paco de Lucía published in the American journal Analytical Approaches to World Music Journal

I’m so proud of sharing with you my latest publication, the paper “Paco de Lucía and Jazz: Melodic-Harmonic Improvisation as a Central Element in “Zyryab”(1990)”!! The article was published in the Analytical Approaches to World Music journal, supported by the IFTAWM (International Foundation for the Theory and Analysis of World Musics), which is a research unit in the Barry S. Brook Center for Music Research and Documentation at the City University of New York Graduate Center.

The best part is that the text is open access, so you can check it out for free if you’re interested!!

Here you are the link:…/12/Zagalaz_AAWM_Vol_10_2.pdf

Thank you all for your support!

Estoy muy orgulloso de compartir con tod@s vosotr@ mi última publicación, el artículo “Paco de Lucía and Jazz: Melodic-Harmonic Improvisation as a Central Element in “Zyryab”(1990)”!! Ha sido publicado en la revista Analytical Approaches to World Music journal, auspiciada por la IFTAWM (International Foundation for the Theory and Analysis of World Musics), una unidad de investigación del Barry S. Brook Center for Music Research and Documentation en el City University of New York Graduate Center.

Lo mejor de todo es que es de acceso abierto, así que si queréis consultarlo, aquí tenéis el link:…/12/Zagalaz_AAWM_Vol_10_2.pdf

Gracias como siempre a tod@s por vuestro apoyo!!!